Saturday, February 2, 2013

Excitement, Disappointments, and Happiness.

On the 31st I got my brace . Oh how excited I was, longing to use my leg again and get rid of the old walker. Well it has a break in period and I have to use the walker still . Poo. I am still so glad I have it now so  hopefully I can dance..soon. I had to wait since November for the thing and my leg started not working in September. That is a long time. Anyway I had to get new shoes because the brace is so big . My foot it tiny, ridiculously tiny ...think size 1 tiny. But I am glad it was tiny enough that I could stay in the kids section . Why???? So my shoes match!! If one was woman's and one kids they would not match. Also no dress shoes would work with the brace :( :( :( :( :(   (that means sneakers at church).  I did get to buy a book I wanted since August and yesterday I got to go to a Jazz Dinner . I almost didn't get to go and I ask to go to it for my birthday and I would of been really sad if Daddy said no. Grandpa showed up at our house and said he was going and that saved the day!! A good friend was there , I had a heap of seizures 13, but that's better than 25 or 30.


  1. I am glad that came out to hear jazz. I had a wonderful time hanging with you. It was also nice to meet your grandfather.
