Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I.v. and Hyperberic Chamber Treatments........

Twice a week I get I.v treatments and three times a week I get Hyperberic Chamber therapy. The I.v. makes a big difference in my seizures , I only have 3 or 4 the day I get the I.V. , The Hyperberic Chamber I cannot tell any difference. The trip is 2 hours away and one thing is for sure,  I wish it was closer. I have lots of friends at I.V and I always like seeing them , I never would of met so many people if I was not sick. I also made friends there one week and found out the next they had died. It has been a little hard for me not to start crying about it in the I.V. room, especially if I have to sit where they used to. I don't talk about this, I just don't. Also I lost some friends because they don't want to talk to me anymore it seems . I didn't mean to offend them. There was a couple who always would talk to me and we were really good friends they were Catholic and told me stories about Saints sometimes , I am not Catholic....One time they were telling me a story I knew nothing about and they said  I should know about it already, of course I didn't so I told them I didn't because I was not Catholic...they didn't tell me the rest of the story and they never spoke to me again. I did not say it in a mean way. Oh well. I guess that's how things go sometimes. Maybe they were just caught off guard that I was not Catholic??? I say hello to them but that's the extent of our conversation now. Then there is Ralphie, I am very glad when he is there! He even gave me a pen with my name on it. He may look tough because he is a Motorcycle Dude,  but he is very nice.

1 comment:

  1. I love you so much Jessie! I am so glad you trusted me with your blog :) I love to read what you write you are so talented. I still pray for you everyday and I desperately miss talking with you. I'm sorry it has been so long since we've hung out but it just seems like life is constantly busy for all of us. Anytime you want to talk or need anything let me know. I Love you SOO MUCH!
