Monday, January 11, 2016

Feeling Better....

On December 31st I had a Vegus Nerve Stimulator installed, It is not on yet I have to heal.

The surgery was not that bad but the incision marks are upsetting to some , the incision on my collar bone feels the worst , where they put the pacemaker thing in.

I have high hopes in this thing but there is something I want to tell everyone because certain things people say bother me , not because they mean anything bad they just don't understand and well I get annoyed with explaining things..........

......Here it goes, the Vegus Nerve thing is for my seizures, my epilepsy.....I have more than that,
I have a nerve demylenating disease,  an autoimmune before you say anything about me walking when the pacemaker thing is on , I also have more than that going on , please for my sake just don't ......don't say the thing is going to completely fix me.

I hope with all my heart that this is a step in the right direction.

I am needing oxygen at night still because it drops when I sleep,  I am a very tired exhausted person.

My simple thoughts are If  I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take and If  I live to the morning sun I rejoice that I am still here and the beauty of the day ...even if its fog.

Some of you really are going to hate this post and thats o.k. ........I had someone angered recently a few blog posts back and they came to me with a red face and told me I was overly negative but I believe there is a difference between being negative and just giving the raw facts....being ill it is not sunshine and roses.

There are so many hopes I have and joy in small things , I wonder if this is what angers people so much ?  So many people seem to think bigger is better but a big thing for me may be a small thing for them............I really miss being able to drink a glass of water.

Please try to understand me.