Monday, April 6, 2015

Why Are You Crying In Your Drawing?

  I drew this last week....I was asked if God heals my heart and soul than why was I crying in the drawing?

I was crying because of my physical it is.

Bodies fail you...they do things you cannot control, or maybe you want your body to do something and it won't.

Death comes.

I am thankful in what comes after.

I am thankful that one day I will have a new body.

Some of you are going to not like this post very much...your going to think I am giving up hope that I would be healed. A small group of you may even say amongst yourselves that I do not believe enough to be healed....some of you may even say this to my face.
 It has happened before....You can say what you want to.

I was in the ICU last weekend, not Easter weekend the one before...Bad seizure.

I later was asked what I would like for a funeral....

My Body was and probably still is somewhat... having a hard go of it.

I don't know when I am going to die but it happens to everyone.

I don't know why God let Adan and Eve choose to sin....But I sure glad He made a way to save me from it.

God sent his Son to die for us.....but he did not stay dead !

Sweet Hope.