Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Fair

 Went to the fair today... My dad, mom, brother and I.
Not much there compared to years before.
They changed the date far too early for an agricultural fair in this area.

A nice lady brought her horse out for me to pet.

I loved the goats, they were so curious of my chair, studying it ever so intently.

A billy goat that smelled far more pleasant than the one we once had pleaded me to scratch him between his horns. He rolled his eyes into his brown shiny head in delight.
I couldn't stay there forever though and as my mom pushed me away he climbed up his cage wishing he could follow me...maybe wishing that he could be mine.

I wish I could take care of a goat.

The cows were solemn rather forlorn looking creatures.
They were tied up in a barn...seeming to wonder why are we here?
They probably wonder why people were starring at them .....they were probably wondering what the meaning of it all was.

The plant identification booth had a drawing that I entered....they had a butterfly craft I did.

I ate some fries because there is a place there that is safe for me.

My brother got me a candy apple , it is in the fridge right now.

We went to a cooking show , I couldn't really hear it.

I sat on the end with some other people that had wheelchairs ( they don't go on those bleacher things)

I met a girl and she said she liked the fair some . I like the fair some too.

We smiled at each other. 

A family from church showed up there and the mom wacked my mom in the back of the leg with her umbrella . They laughed ( its a sort of joke you see)

Daddy talked to the Dad.

We went home.

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