Friday, July 19, 2013

Friends Can Be Found

 Yesterday Daddy took me to a jazz concert and then afterwards we went to eat at Dante's. The concert was wonderful but so was what happened after dinner.

My Dad was taking to two young  guys and I had a seizure ( They happen a lot in the evening) The two guys got silent and starred at me ( so I am told) . Daddy said I wasn't really o.k. but that it was my normal, the guys then told Daddy that their Mom has epilepsy and the rough times she went through.

The guys life.

Later Daddy went to get me some juice and I stayed and talked to the guys.
 The one guy said that he wished there was some sort of technology to fix all my problems and then he said if only we could rid you of those God d@$%^# f#$%^&* seizures!

Well you know what? I rather liked those cuss words. ( I smiled)

Those guys told me I wasn't alone in what I was going through and that they did not believe in social barriers.

One day , they said, I shall kick epilepsy's d@%^#8 @$$.

They got silent when Daddy came back, probably because they were saying bad words, but somehow that didn't bother me at all.
I like those guys.