Monday, July 22, 2013

Party In The I.v. Room and Other Happenings

 Today I had to see the doctor. I guess I'll be trying Lamictal .
After that I had i.v. , my friend the lady with the red bag was there and someone new............Mike.
 Mike saw my leg brace and he used to have one too, he had to have it for years but he doesn't need it now. That made me happy, he doesn't need it now...and sad, he had it for years.
Mike doesn't have a gallbladder either.
Mike eats similar foods as me.
He was very nice and told me a joke.
He wore my helmet some, and asked if it suited him ...I said maybe if it had a different colored flower on it. He said if it had cauliflower on it!!! I said I thought broccoli would suit him best , " Good, that's my favorite, said he".
We laughed and laughed.
One of the nurses said it sounded like a party in there . ( That's  because we made it one)

Mike doesn't have seizures.. he has cancer.

Afterwards Mommy took me to the store so I could get some new shoes, I needed some for fall and since I have to get 2 different sizes I thought I had better get them early before sizes sell out. Well we found one that fit the brace and one that fit the other foot but they were not the same style, I was disappointed.
Then later a person that worked there asked me if I found what I needed and I told her my tale of shoes and she and another lady found me what I needed!!
Hooray for Wal-Mart !!! When you need to buy two sizes without going broke it works.
Kids sizes always seem to have less selection , and when your in your 20s it can be rather frustrating.

Sunday I made it to church and had lunch with Grandpa!!
Afterwards rubber band man came!! He used to be a postman and he goes around shooting people with rubber bands and giving them rubber bands so they can spread the love. The first time I met him I was afraid of him because he shot rubber bands at me through the open can window when I was ten and I was setting in there waiting for my Dad  and rubber band man said to let him in!!!!! No way was I letting a strange rubber band shooting fellow into the car when my dad was in the store. It turned out he knew my dad. 

Last summer we became friends again at my cousins wedding.

Saturday my dad took me to a concert and Grandpa came.
I really enjoyed it , I had lots of seizures and that was not so good.
A man came up to my dad and told him that he really should give me some cannabis, that he didn't smoke it when he was a kid and that he really missed out and he had a friend that has seizures and it helped him. ( slightly surprising since it wasn't that kind of concert, or place ...I mean I think the place was even a tobacco free school zone!!)

Anyway I wish it was legal for everyone...............I wish.


  1. I don't know if you've been reading my blog, but I am currently trying medical marijuana for my daughter Sophie. So far, nothing is happening, and I think I've got the wrong dosage and/or ratio of CBD to THC. In any case, stay posted. And I, too, wish it were legal everywhere as all the reports are pretty positive, particularly for those whose epilepsy is not controlled.

  2. Yes, I have been reading you blog. I find it very interesting that the same subject came up in my life also. A few years ago my main doctor you does not live in the same state as I do wanted me to do it but he would be in trouble if he prescribed it.
    In my state doctors can prescribe it but find one that will has not worked. In this area it is populated by far too many Baptists, and Mennonites. The health department is rather politically correct....I do not think I ought to speak of suck things if I go to their medical group.As Bob Marley said , " Too many people do it underground."
