Monday, December 1, 2014

The Sun Still Rises Every Morning And The Flowers Will Still Be Dancing

  I have had some not good days since I last wrote...some really bad seizures but then I had a couple of days with no seizures. ( That was amazing)

Got off of a drug I think made me hallucinate...Artaine , maybe it did help with the Dystonia  but I need to recognize my parents.....any doctor that would rather me be hallucinating is foolish, just plain foolish.

 I can not walk and have difficulty chewing but at least I know people.

I got see a lot of friends the weekend before last and was given ginormous amounts of love and even an accordion player came and played in my room.

With all that love and the sun rising every morning and my flowers lift their little flower faces doing their daily sun dance and rejoicing in their life and their Creator  ......I find my joy also.

At the end of their dance, when the sun sets the orchids nearly always face me and I feel like they are smiling.." That was simply wonderful"....they seem to say and I have to agree.

The night before Thanksgiving a very bad thing happened and it hurts very much...emotionally , something I feel like I should not go into detail about but it is something my family has had to deal with for years.

I do know that God is bigger than this....and I can cast my cares on Him in fact I have to because they are just too big for me right now, nothing is too big for God.

I am praying God will help me forgive...because I cannot.

I do not wish to become bitter , I do not want to be full of anger and hate.

I pray and pray...because I can do nothing else about this.
 Rejoicing, dancing orchids.

 More rose drawings

They face you when the sun sets.


  1. Your Faith in God in the strongest mussel of all. He gets stronger every time we pray. See you soon love.

  2. Hi Jessica, you don't know me, but I saw you and your dad at a party at Max and Katherine's a while ago. My dad had recently passed away, and he looked a lot like your dad, so it was so touching to see the obvious love between you and your dad. Anyway, through a random Facebook friend I saw the post about you going to the hospital, which led me to your blog. Incredible! Your art is amazing, and your spiritual insights are too. I read the whole thing from oldest post to newest. What a beautiful person you are! Thanks for showing so much love and grace to the world...I'll be praying for all good things for you! --Shanti

    1. Thank you Shanti....I am glad you found your way to my blog and that you found it a positive light.
