Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Amazing Love

 Lately I have been thinking about love.....

How God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to pay the price for our sins.

I have been thinking how love covers a multitude of sin and how in Proverbs 10:12 it says... hatred stirs up strife but love covers all sins. 

Also I have been think about how forgiveness works.

When someone wrongs you it is much like a wound, you can take care of it or you can pick at it and it gets infected and maybe even leads to dire consequences. But sometimes even when a wound is taken care of and heals it still leaves a scar....those scars serve as reminders of what happened and sometimes even old wounds still cause you pain.

 Forgiveness is something that takes work and time.

 Some people in my life have done things that really hurt me...but I love them a lot, I have prayed for them daily and somehow they can make a really big boo boo and I forgive them, but then there was a person in my life who I was not fond of and they said something that was not nice to me about my family and I still struggle with forgiving them, compared to the big boo boo... what this person said was not really that big of a thing so why do those words spoken so long ago sometimes still bother me?

I think I did not love this person enough. 

When I was praying for them I really should of been praying for myself also, I should of been praying for God to give me more love.

I had the wrong attitude.

 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God . He who does not love does not know God ,for God is love.
                                                                                            ~1John 4:7-8

Also I know I have done bad things too...and I am thankful others have forgiven me.

We all sin. 

1 comment:

  1. Wise words. We are human so from the moment we are born until the moment we leave this world we are sinners. God knows this of course, but he wants us to TRY to forgive and to TRY to love everyone and live pure like Jesus did. As we all know that's not always easy to do! But I believe when God sees us trying it makes him happy! I pray for myself to be able to forgive better every day. It's something to work on daily. I also believe that what seed we plant in life is what will eventually grow. Sometimes it may take awhile, sometimes not, but what we all plant in our lives is what we will all eventually harvest. Happy 2015!!!
