Saturday, November 1, 2014

About Prayer

   There is something about prayer that people don't seem to understand.

I hear people say sometimes that God does not answer their prayers....well the thing is sometimes God says no....sometimes wait, and sometimes He has different plans...sometimes He answers the prayers the way we want.

I think this is a good thing because if God answered our prayers the way we want all the may not be the best thing.

Sort of like if you ask your parents something and they say no, most of the time (maybe all of the time) they have a good reason and want whats best for you.

 Yes ...this sometimes doesn't make sense...sometimes your parents seem unfair or just plain mean.

Sometimes we may think God is unfair or mean!!!

Sometimes we act like bad children who think they know better ....than God.

We don't.

I am not sure why people find this so offensive.   

Yes...I know parents are not perfect....but God is God.

I was not planning  to write this today but it keeps coming up so I feel I must.

1 comment:

  1. You nailed it! You are wise beyond your years and that is another special gift God has given you. Everything God does is for the good. Even if it doesn't obviously seem that it is good right now. Most people don't understand that. Why do bad things sometimes happen to good people here on earth? I don't know, but I do know it's meant to be, for the good, and that God will reveal the answer to us when the time is right. We just need to be PATIENT sometimes and stay strong :)
