Thursday, January 2, 2014

And Everything Seems Better....

 So today I saw a new doctor, I was worried about it......But I wasn't getting anywhere so I had to see someone else, someone from a different group ( I insisted).

I am very happy that this new place seems professional , the persons are kind, they look me in the eye and WANT to work with my case.

The man I saw said he would refer me to Johns Hopkins and I should hear about it within the week....The man said he thought my leg needed looked at there as well as the seizure stuff, it was much weaker on my left side than the that the right side has been hurting me I really am worried because that is my good side.

Anyway I am relieved and hopeful.

Here is a dude I made from rocks just because...he rocks!


  1. so glad to hear you got a referral to JH, know a friend who was dying with kidney disease and he recently was seen there and they've told him they can hopefully do a procedure that will lengthen his life 7-8 more years, so praying that God will lead you to the right person for your exact circumstances!

  2. I'm glad to hear this and will pray and hope for more progress for you and resolution -- for both your seizures and the residual stuff.
