Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Iost in January....

I had a cross necklace with a little gold heart around the middle that I wore a lot, my Grandpa gave it to me as a gift.......well I lost it someplace when I got shipped off to the University of Maryland Hospital, probably got ripped off in the ambulance or something.

I think this was a very bad omen ....very bad days followed.

But though I did loose my cross, I did not loose my faith.

I did feel a deep sense of hopelessness ....I guess for a time I lost my hope, in a way..... It seemed like the best thing that could happen would be if God would call me home.

I lost hope in my future earthy life.

To be honest my prayers changed from for God to heal me, to for God to please PLEASE call me home.

But it wasn't time for God to call me home, and things got better....eventually .

I prayed a lot during that time, and I knew God listened.

God also knew best.

How can you loose hope and still have faith?  It is hard for me to explain...perhaps  my faith was lacking or weak.

I think most people will understand what I am trying to say.  I lost hope in some ways but still had it in others.

Some of you will not understand what I am trying to say, but that is o.k. .... you will understand at least that we humans fall short ...we are sinners and we are far from perfect. 


  1. Hey there, Helmet Girl! We all lose hope at times so you are definitely not alone. I love your artwork. It's really cool! I believe you've been given a gift from God above and are meant to share your artwork with others to make them happy!
    We humans are sinners and far from perfect, no doubt, so it's okay to get down at times. That's normal. Just don't STAY there. Please promise me that whenever you lose hope or need a friend to talk to you will message me. I'll cheer ya up in a hurry ;) And above all always remember that God loves you and that people that don't even know you personally care about you! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here.
