Monday, June 17, 2013

I Made It To Monday

  The blood work showed low blood counts but thankfully my liver was o.k.....
The Dr. said that I could slowly go up again on the Valproic Acid after I take some vitamin k1 for a while.

Hopefully, that will be o.k. because I can't deal with 30 something seizures things a day very well.

I have very little to say, except someone at i.v. told me I had to be brave......well, I get tired of people saying stuff. I really really REALLY try to be tough and everything but sometimes I feel awful and well......Why... OH, WHY... must one always have a smile on their face when they are exhausted? 

I will be o.k.


  1. Hearing all those platitudes makes me ill, too. And when people say, "It could be worse," I always wonder why the saying isn't "it could be better." I'd add a few curse words in there, too, but I don't want to offend --
